So... Life is hard, winter is long, Iceland is locked. But not whole Iceland! Seems like everyone was in some kind of lock down... except us. We are going to work, to kindergarten, non-stop. We also decided to renovate our house. Everything is mess, my kitchen looks like somebody threw bomb there and lock the door. It´s really funny, we had some extra energy around Christmas, we were supposed to be done in three months. Here comes Johnny... oh, sorry, here comes April and we are in the middle. Not middle, very hard begging. I bought some tiles for bathroom and I was frightened that it will not come in the right moment, as they were coming from Poland. Tiles are stocked in the corner of our hallway for 3 weeks already... after 7 weeks of shipping! I am still cooking. But it´s more like camp cooking, as our house is worse than camping van. Happy us! Lazy and broken by long winter!
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